In today’s hectic world, nothing is more relaxing or rejuvenating than a professional full-body massage.
Choose from a wide range of massages, from Indian Face massage to Full-Body massage, and feel your worries fade away as our therapist is working to relieve tension. Aches and pains will be a distant memory…
Bernardita Beauty offers a wide range of subtle and relaxing massages to choose from including massage of your back, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, feet and hands.
Thermo Back Massage
This will provide you with comforting relief for muscular and rheumatic pain and stiffness. |
Aromatherapy Top to Toe full body massage
This treatment uses essential oil to help remove and alleviate stress, and stimulate your body’s reaction to help you to function healthily. |
Anti-stress back massage
This treatment uses infra-red heat therapy to help alleviate tight and aching muscles. It is both relaxing and soothing. |
Indian Head Massage
This is an ancient massage from India. It will help you to obtain a deep relaxation by finding the equilibrium between mind and body. |
This is the art of manipulation of the feet,to rid your body stress. Its balances your body and at the same time calms and soothes. |

Full Body Tanning
We all want to keep that summer tan as much as we can and maintain that amazing bronze skin color for all season.
From top to toe your skin is firstly exfoliated to remove the dead cells. This prepares your skin for a natural tanning without the harmful UVA and UVB rays from sun.